What is social proof and how can it help your business
Social proof is when people are influenced by other people’s decisions or choices. This can include reviews, testimonials or social media shares. Sharing these can encourage others to purchase these products and services.
When we see a line of customers waiting to eat at a restaurant, it plants a seed that the restaurant must be good. It builds instant trust and gravitates more towards that business. 

With e-commerce, social media and website driving so many online purchases. Social proof can make online customers feel more comfortable purchasing from an e-commerce store, making them an essential part of converting a visitor into a customer. 

Here are 5 awesome ways to incorporate social proof to your social media channels and don’t forget about your website:
1. 5 stars ratings and reviews
2. Written and video testimonials
3. Pop ups stating what products were recently purchased
4. Social media shares
5. Business credentials and experience
These are all forms of validation that build creditability of your business in the eyes of your audience.
Hope these tips were useful. If you would like to learn more about our marketing strategies that work then contact Charlotte today!