4 Tips to build a successful business! Running a small business can be challenging and rewarding all at the same time. Opportunities can be presented in your business and next minute they are gone. It is important business owners are always analysing and not missing any potential leads. Office Pro has four helpful tips to…Continue reading4 Tips to build a successful business
10 Tips for Using Xero Accounting Software Xero is an accounting cloud-based software, it has lots of features to help busy business owners. We have created 10 tips for using Xero. 1. Use repeating invoices or bills. Set up a template, then Xero automatically creates the transaction according to the frequency and status you choose. 2. Customise…Continue reading10 Tips for using Xero accounting software
10 Tips for Facebook marketing Facebook is one of the most efficient ways to advertise online. With 1.8 billion uses across the world, you can showcase your brand or business by targeted ads and strategic posts. Office Pro has 10 tips to share to improve your Facebook Advertising. 1. Giveaways are an easy way to…Continue reading10 Tips for Facebook marketing
What is Xero accounting software Xero was founded in New Zealand by Rod Dury. It was first released to the New Zealand public in 2006. It was very innovative at the time as their accounting software stood out from their competitors. They released an online cloud based accounting software. There are many benefits and features of Xero. Firstly, this software has changed the…Continue readingWhat is Xero accounting software
3 Easy ways to improve your social media Social media is amazing tool for all businesses. The benefit is, it allows open communication from business/brands owners to the customer. It is important to have a plan or strategy around your company’s social media and not put out mindless posts, or pushing your products every day.…Continue reading3 Easy ways to improve your social media
6 Tips to make your business stand out from competitors Many businesses have a crowded market place, that means your business needs to work harder to get new clients and to keep them. Here are Office Pro’s 6 secrets to stand out from your competitors. 1. Ensure customer satisfaction Far too many businesses are focused strictly…Continue reading6 Tips to make your business stand out from competitors